As you can see, my website has been totally redone! It's been a long overdue change and now it reflects all of the services and fisheries I participate in. I hope you enjoy it!
Currently, I'm enjoying my offseason while spending time with my family and enjoying a little fishing for myself. As of right now, there is not much happening in our rivers, but the ocean has been great for salmon, bottom fish and halibut, weather depending. If you guys have a desire to get out and fish the ocean this month, I can hook you up with the areas best charter captains.
Starting early July out of the town of Klamath, I will begin fishing lower Klamath River summer steelhead out of my jet sled. This uncrowded fishery is extremely productive for both hatchery and wild adult steelhead. These chrome bright fish are spectacular fighters and make for excellent table fare as well. As you can see from the picture above, the action can be fast and furious!
Summer steelhead run strong all the way through the end of August when they begin to give way to fall salmon. With close proximity to Redwood National Park, this trip is a great addition to your summer camping trip. I have space as we speak, so give us a ring and lets go catch some metalheads!!
Mike Stratman