We started out a little slow and snake bit today, but by our second hour of fishing we were hooking fish every pass. Limits were no problem today. Our catch was mostly salmon but we did land a nice adult steelhead for a little variety. It also seemed the ratio of adult salmon to jacks was up as the majority of hookups were nice, fat fish, with our biggest being close to the 20lb mark.
Guys, fishing is as good as it gets right now. I have several dates available next week, now is the time to call if you want to experience uncrowded salmon fishing at its finest!

Fishing on the Klamath over Labor Day Weekend was fast and furious! Our catch was mostly comprised of chinook salmon from Jack sized fish up to 17lbs. A few steelhead were also in the mix. It also sounds like there are a bunch of fish moving in the Klamath estruary and the commercial gill nets are officially out. This means that the season is living up to predictions and could be one of our best in awhile.
I have some dates left in September. Give us a call!
I'm starting my season on the lower klamath and trinity! There are fish in the rivers and it looks to be a great season. Over the next day or two, they are releasing a ton of water out of lewiston dam on the trinity river. When the river drops over the next few days, this should be a great thing as it will lower water temps and pull fish into the river.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the routine this time of year, I'll be fishing both salmon and steelhead on the lower klamath river and lower trinity river. I fish out of a drift boat and do my best to get you guys into uncrowded fishing. I do not put in with the other 100 jetboats on the lower Klamath. The stretch I fish is upstream of most of the jetboat pressure, which makes for peaceful and excellent fishing. I also will fish the lower trinity at this time and it is some of the most beautiful scenery in all the state. We'll go where I think we have the best opportunity to catch fish.
I do have some dates availabe for this weekend and next week, so if your interested give us a call.
good fishing,

It's been awhile since i've had an entry. I would really like to thank all the people that came fishing with me this year. You make it possible to do what I love and make a living! I hope for many more years fishing and sharing amazing experiences on the river with you guys and gals.
Fishing wise, I spent late february and march working on the eel river system when rainfall and riverflow has allowed. If conditions dictated that we go to the smith, I cancelled due to a lack of fish. Fishing was decent down south for the most part, with most action being provided by downrunner steelhead.
While most of our rivers closed at the end of March, I will continue to fish a couple of places that legally remain open. Fishing can be incredible during this time of year and completely uncrowded. My calender for the most part is flexible for this time frame, so a last minute trip would be easy to arrange, just throw me a line if you're interested!
Pictured above is Eureka resident Carl Casale with a nice steelhead we caught on Monday, 3/30/09.

We are finally in the midst of the big flush that was so needed for all our rivers. This storm is a warm, pineapple express and is melting all the snow the last series of systems dumped. I ventured inland for a couple of days last week with a two boat party. The first day went ok, with both boats hooking multiple adults and lots of half pounders. We switched locations the second day, looking for a little something different, and it was a mistake. The half pounder bite was nearly non-existent and the adult my boat hooked and lost was the only one seen between the two groups. On Friday, some buddies and I put the boat in on a coastal humboldt county river and managed to pull a couple of adults out.
It looks like there will be nothing worth fishing through the rest of this week. Hopefully, our Humboldt county coastal rivers will come back into shape soon. The coming days in March in this area will probably be the best fishing of the year, numbers wise. This is due to the fact that we will still be recieving some fresh fish, in addition to the downrunners that this storm will flush to the lower reaches of our rivers. Until then.......

For the early part of last week, I was back down to the Eel. At this point the river had picked up a little color from the little bit of rain we got late the previous week. The river looked great and the fishing was solid, but not spectacular. On tuesday, it began to rain which essentially blew the eel and most the other rivers in the county out. Thursday found me up on the Smith for the first time in over a month. Fishing there was a bit spotty for thursday and friday with 0-4 fish hooked for most of the guides working up there. The quality of fish in both rivers I fished last week was great, with all the fish we hooked being fresh, bright fish.
After a couple of days off, I'm back at it and I'm headed to an out of the way location where hopefully I can find some faster action.
Tight Lines,

Since my last entry, i've continued to poke around the county. Despite extremely low and clear conditions on the coast, I was able to scratch out some good days of fishing and some beautiful fish. Inland, water was clear as well, and we have been hooking between 1 to 3 adult steelhead a day, with decent numbers of half pounders mixed in.
Rain has started today and looks like we'll get more as the week moves on. Our fishing location for the next week depends on the weather. The Smith might actually come into play for the first time since early January. We'll let you know how it goes.

Our coastal rivers are now very low and clear. I've spent some time on the Eel earlier in the week. Fishing was tough but we were able to catch some beautiful adult fish. I also spent time inland were there were plenty of halfpounders and the occasional adult lurking. The upcoming week does not look too promising for the Eel, as it is getting too skinny to float. More than likely, my time will be spent going inland. For all our rivers, we truly need some rain to shuffle the deck. Once that happens fishing will pick up again. In all acuality, it is still relatively early in the season and once that rain happens we should see some fresh fish pushing up. I'll keep you updated later in the week.